東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 藝大アートプラザ 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ

東京藝大アートフェス2024 /Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 Announcement

2024年07月23日 | イベント, プレスリリース, 全て, 大学全般



芸術家の発表の場を提供しアーティスト育成するとともに、アートと社会のかかわりについて共に考え、社会の様々な領域におけるアートの新たな価値や役割を創造することを?的に、オンライン上において、A7(ARTs7)の各?学と連携し、「東京藝?アートフェス 2024」を開催いたします。

2 東京藝大アートフェス2024の概要
① オンライン「東京藝大アートフェス2024」は、WEB サイトを活用した配信で行います。
② WEB サイト配信する作品は、学長、理事、部局長、教員等による審査会で作品審査を行い、決定します。
③ オンライン「東京藝大アートフェス2024」は、各アーティストのポータルサイトを構築いたします。
④ 開催期間中、オンライン上でイベントを行い、審査員等による講評や審査員とアーティスト、
⑤ これらの取り組みは、テレビ等の各種媒体にも働きかけ、国内外へ優れたアーティストを紹介していきます。

3 募集するテーマ及び作品分野
テーマ とどける、つながる、ひろがる
作品分野 美術、音楽、映像、複合(核となる分野を特定できない芸術分野)等





4 応募資格(次のいずれかに該当する方)
① 在籍者(休学含む)?
② 本学出身者
※10 人以内のグループの場合、応募者は本学の学生及び出身者ですが、共演者は他大学出身者も可とします。

5 応募について



?(1)応募フォームの入力【全員入力】(8/26 12:00より入力可能)





日本語での応募フォームはこちら(8/26 12:00より入力可能)









6 賞及び賞金
? 東京藝術大学長賞(3点) 1点30万円
? みずほ賞(4点) 1点15万円
? 優秀賞 (15点程度) 1点10万円
? 佳作(20点程度) 1点 5万円
※ 賞の内容、点数は変更となる可能性があります。
※ みずほ賞受賞作品については、みずほ銀行店頭のモニター等で流すなど、〈みずほ〉とのコラボも検討中です。

7 審査 
? 学長、理事、部局長、教員等による審査会で作品審査を行います。
? みずほ賞については、〈みずほ〉社員の意見を参考に審査会が選びます。
? 審査はすべて登録内容と提出物にて実施します。
? WEB サイトに配信する作品の決定は、すべての応募者に対し、10月下旬頃、メールでお知らせいたします。
? 各賞の受賞については、12月に発表予定です。

8 「東京藝大アートフェス 2024」の会期/オンライン開催(予定)
「東京藝大アートフェス 2024」閉幕後、WEB掲載作品をアーカイブ化し、


9 その他注意事項 
? 作品、プロフィール等は、テレビ等のメディアにて紹介されることがあります。(その場合は、事前にメールにて確認します。)
? 一度提出した作品は、原則変更できません。
? 提出時は必ず応募規約を確認の上、提出してください。
? 申請代表者の連絡先は、審査終了後(2024年度に卒業する場合は卒業後も)連絡がとれるものを記入してください。

■A 7(ARTs7)とは

広島でのG7開催を機に、 東京藝術大学が中心となり「A7」を提唱。
国際的な教育フォーマットと研究ネットワークのための協?プラットフォーム“Shared Campus”のフル?パートナー校である世界の7つの芸術?学による共同声明「ARTs が社会的課題に取り組み世界平和への貢献を?指す。」を発表し、同年秋には平和をテーマとした学?のオンラインアートフェスを開催。

今年もA7 の趣旨を踏まえ、7つの芸術?学から推薦された作品(3点程度)を、東京藝術大学?賞受賞者の作品とともにメタバース会場にて展?します。




10 問合せ先 
メール:artfes[at]ml.geidai.ac.jp ※[at]は@に置き換えてください  




Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 Announcement

1.?Purpose and Objectives
Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 will be held online in partnership with?A7 (ARTs7)universities to provide a platform for artist development and artwork presentation, as well to create new value and roles for art across diverse arenas while considering how art relates with society.

2.?Outline of Tokyo Geidai?ARTFES?2024
(1) Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 will be disseminated online via website.
(2) A jury consisting of the President, Trustees, Department Heads, faculty members, and others will select artworks for website dissemination. Outstanding entries will be awarded prizes and cash awards. The works selected for the Tokyo University of the Arts President’s Award will also be disseminated in the metaverse.
?(3) The online Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 will create a portal site for each artist.
In addition to artwork information, the artists themselves will share commentary on the work and creation process. The portal sites will feature high-quality visuals and search engine capabilities.
(4) During the exhibition period, online events will be held to widely disseminate the works to the public, with critiques by the jury, and discussions between jury members and artists and among the artists themselves.
(5) These endeavors will be promoted to television and other media to present outstanding artists both in Japan and abroad.

3.?Themes and?types?of works
Theme: bring, connect, expand
Types of work: fine art, music, video, composite (works for which a single type cannot be specified), etc.
*The work must be created by an individual or a group of up to 10 people, and the work must be owned by the individual applicant or the group.

“bring, connect, expand”

Who brings/connects/expands what to whom, and how?
What happens, on purpose and by accident, through bringing, connecting and expanding?
How does art relate with society? What kinds of value and roles can art create within society?

Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 aims to create opportunities to think and act together in response to these questions.

4.?Eligibility (applicants must meet one of the following?criteria)
(1) Current student at Tokyo Geidai (including leave of absence)
(2) Former student at Tokyo Geidai?
*For groups (maximum 10 people), the main applicant must be a current or former Tokyo Geidai student, but group members may be from other universities.

5.About the entry process

Please read the Entry Terms and Conditions carefully before entering your work.

>>Entry Terms and Conditions

Both (1) and (2) below are required.?Entries?received?outside the entry period will not be considered.

(1)??Fill out the?entry?form?below?(required for all entries)?(Entries accepted from 8/26 12:00)

*Use the entry form to submit your profile text (up to 100 words in English), title of your work,and description of your work (up to 200 words in English)

Tokyo Geidai ARTFES 2024 is being held in collaboration with A7 in both English and Japanese to reach a global audience.?

*You can use the language of your choice for the title of your work. However, all works are required to have an English-language title, either as the official title or as an English translation.?

*In order to reach a global audience, the entry form has fields for both English and Japanese versions of your profile and work description. If you provide text in only one of the languages, we will handle the translation.

However, we recommend that you write your own text, using online translation tools as needed.

*We are keeping track of the account used to submit each entry in order to prevent duplicate entries.

For this purpose, you will be asked to log into your Gmail account before filling out the form(If you are a current Tokyo Geidai student, you can use your university account).

>>Entry Form (Entries accepted from 8/26 12:00)

*Please do not leave the entry form tab open for long periods of time when entering your information.

The browser may delete your entry information. Please close the tab and resubmit the form.

*Please do not open the form in multiple tabs.

*Please do not close the form until the “Thank you for your application” message appears.

*After you submit your entry, a copy will be automatically sent to your email address.

*You can use either the Japanese or English entry form.
Please access the Japanese version?from the Japanese event summary above.

(2)?Items for submission?(required for all entries)
Please review the information in the link below.

>>Artwork submission

Upload your work when you submit entry form in (1) above..

(3) Entry?form period (Artwork submission period) (tentative)
August 26 (Mon) –?September?19 (Thu) 15:00,?2024
?Entries received after the?deadline will not be accepted.

(4) Other
Only one entry from the same applicant is allowed.

6.?Awards and prize money
– Tokyo University of the Arts President’s Award 300,000 yen per work (3 works total)
– Mizuho Award 150,000 yen per work (4 works total)
– Excellence Award 100,000 yen per work (about 15 works total)
– Honorable Mention Award 50,000 yen per work (about 20 works total)
*The award details and number of prizes are subject to change.
*The Mizuho Award-winning works might be used in collaboration with Mizuho, such as display on monitors in Mizuho Bank branches.

? The works will be judged by a jury panel consisting of the President, Trustees,

Department Heads, faculty members and others.
? The Mizuho Award will be decided by the jury panel with input from Mizuho employees.
? Judging will be conducted based on all of the entry information and submitted materials.

? The jury results regarding works selected for website dissemination will be e-mailed to all applicants in late October.
? Award-winning entries will be announced in December.

8.Online viewing period for Tokyo Geidai?ARTFES2024
From November 2023 through?May 2024.
After the conclusion of Tokyo Geidai ARFES 2024, the works selected for website dissemination will be archived online for extended viewing (period of time to be determined).

We are planning to archive each year’s works so they can be viewed in perpetuity.

9.?Other notes
Please make sure to read the following before?entering your work.
? Your work, profile, etc. may be introduced on TV or other media. (We will notify you by e-mail in advance.)
? Works cannot be altered after entry.
? Please read the entry terms and conditions before submitting your work.
? Please enter contact information that can be used even after your work has been juried (and after graduation, if you will graduate in 2024).

What is?A7?(ARTs7)?

Tokyo University of the Arts initiated “A7” on the occasion of G7 in Hiroshima.

A joint statement was issued by the seven art universities who are full partners in Shared Campus,the cooperative platform for international educational and research, along with the online student art festival held that same fall on the theme of world peace.

Works nominated by the participating A7 universities (about 3 works) and the President’s Award winners will be presented in the metaverse platform in keeping with the aims of A7.


Collaboration?with Mizuho

Tokyo Geidai is working in collaboration with Mizuho to impact innovation, well-being and gender equality, as well as to create a society with prosperity and sustainability for the economy, arts and culture, through “energizing with art,” “making art more accessible,” and “creating change with the power of art.”

10.?For inquiries, please contact
Tokyo Geidai ARTFES Office
E-mail: artfes[at]ml.geidai.ac.jp replace [at] with @

Inquiries will not be handled on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, during summer holidays (8/13 Tues to 8/16 Fri), and during the year-end and New Year holidays (12/29 Fri to 1/3 Wed).

Previous (Tokyo Geidai Art Fes 2023) Overview, Prize-winning Works, etc.

Click?here?for an overview of the previous edition (Tokyo Geidai Art Fes 2023) and award-winning works.
※This page is only available in Japanese